2010 Hechos de importancia

  • 2 jul 2010
    Minera IRL Anuncia Otorgamiento de Opciones
  • 1 jul 2010
    Minera IRL Anuncia la Emisión de Nuevas Acciones Ordinarias al AIM
  • 30 jun 2010
    Minera IRL anuncia los Resultados Financieros a Marzo del 2010
  • 28 jun 2010
    Minera IRL anuncia un Cambio de Deuda por Acciones de US$ 1 Millón con Resource Capital Fund
  • 21 jun 2010
    Minera IRL Announces the Withdrawal of its Proposed Equity Offering and a New US$20million Finance Facility with Macquarie Bank
  • 25 may 2010
    Minera IRL Limited Resultado de la Junta General Extraordinaria
  • 18 may 2010
    Minera IRL Limited – Aclaración de Fecha de Junta General Extraordinaria
  • 17 may 2010
    Minera IRL anuncia la presentación del prospecto preliminar (“Short Form”) modificado y replanteado
  • 13 may 2010
    Minera IRL anuncia la presentación del Prospecto Preliminar
  • 12 may 2010
    Minera IRL anuncia los resultados de perforación en la nueva zona de Concurayoc, Proyecto Ollachea, al sur de Perú

This website contains historical and archived press releases for Minera IRL. The information in these press releases is historical in nature, has not been updated, and is current only to the date indicated in the particular press release. This information may no longer be accurate and therefore you should not rely on the information contained in these press releases.

To the extent permitted by law, Minera IRL and its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, any such information, whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission