Annual sales of gold at Corihuarmi for 2020 total US$39 million, the highest since 2012.
Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) amendments signed with COFIDE through 2020.
COVID-19 global pandemic declared - Minera strengthened safety protocols, supported employees and the community and continued operating at Corihuarmi.
Cost Reduction and Optimization Plan implemented at Corihuarmi aiming to maximize production results.
Approval of an optimization and exploration/drilling program at Corihuarmi.
New gold mineralization zones identified at Corihuarmi in the Cayhua and Laura zones.
Corihuarmi mine life extended to the first half of 2017.
Construction permit to build the Ollachea Gold Mine granted by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.
Commercial production declared at Corihuarmi and first gold pour achieved in March.
Exploration and drilling program started on the Ollachea Project.
NI 43-101 compliant Feasibility Study completed for Corihuarmi
Acquisition of the Ollachea Project.
Private equity funding secured for exploration and development of Corihuarmi.
Exploration program focused primarily on the Susan and Diana zones.
Courtney Chamberlain, Barrie Sullivan and Diego Benavides founded Minera IRL.
Acquisition of the Corihuarmi project.